This post was adapted from Chapter 4 of Flock Not Clock.
What are core values, and why does every company feel compelled to create and publicize them? The growing emphasis on organizational culture has likely fueled this trend: many CEOs equate culture with values.
For example, a Harvard Business Review piece reads: “Core values are the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of a company’s actions; they serve as its cultural cornerstones.” Another way to think of a company’s “deeply ingrained principles” is the mental models that all members share. In reality, however, what companies subsume under the term values is remarkably diverse and demonstrates inconsistent usage of the word. For example, there is frequent semantic confusion between a company’s vision, their values, and their mission.
Although values and culture are often used synonymously, values are best understood as part of capacity. Values should enable (provide capacity for) an organization to achieve its vision. This definition of values helps explain why:
Core values are what support the vision, shape the culture and reflect what the company values...Many companies focus mostly on the technical competencies but often forget what are the underlying competencies that make their companies run smoothly—core values.
Therefore, while we are agnostic as to whether organizations should create value statements, we suggest that they should be conceptualized as organizational capacity. Doing so will ensure that your values align with (help achieve) your vision.
So let’s review our definition of culture and our understanding of its purpose:
Leaders often say their most valuable weapon is their people. We disagree. People in and of themselves aren’t that powerful, especially if they are bickering, working at cross purposes, or ignoring one another. People who share common mental models (i.e., culture) are powerful.