ThinkWater Initiatives Featured in White House Press Release

ThinkWater Initiatives Featured in White House Press Release
Commitments to State-Based National Water Network and Online Systems Thinking Course Highlighted.
Washington, D.C. March 22, 2016
Two ongoing initiatives of ThinkWater--an online systems thinking course and a national coalition of state-based water networks--were mentioned today in a White House Press Release.
ThinkWater is a USDA-funded national campaign to promote enhanced thinking and caring about our national water issues. The Press Release, connected to the White House Water Summit, included the following about ThinkWater:
Dr. Jennifer Kushner, Principal Investigator on the ThinkWater grant, explained that water is inherently place-based but also part of the “commons:”
"ThinkWater understands the power of networks to work across borders of all kinds and to leverage resources in service of water. We are working toward a network of networks that shares the common languages of both water and systems thinking."
Dr. Jeremy Solin, Wisconsin ThinkWater Coordinator, added that
"the growing network gathers “those of us passionate about water education, outreach, and research to develop a shared vision, understanding, and culture in order to become a nation of water thinkers.”
Dr. Laura Cabrera, ThinkWater grant co-PI, stated:
"The creation of an online training in Systems Thinking that is available to the masses is a big step forward in developing systems thinkers out of all Americans. Using translational research and focusing on public understanding of science, systems thinking, and water issues, this training makes sophisticated tools, techniques and concepts in systems thinking accessible to anyone at any age."
The online course is roughly based on the book, Systems Thinking Made Simple: New Hope for Solving Wicked Problems (Odyssean).
Click here for the full text of the White House's Commitments to Action on Building a Sustainable Water Future.
About ThinkWater
ThinkWater is a national campaign supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and led by the University of Wisconsin-Extension and Cabrera Research Lab to help people of all backgrounds and ages think and care deeply about water. It does so by applying systems thinking to existing water education and research efforts and by actively engaging people in a new way around water issues. Our Mission-Vision is to Engage, Educate and Empower 7 Billion Systems Thinkers to solve wicked water problems.
Media Inquiries:
Laura Cabrera, PhD
Co-Director and Co-Principal Investigator
Tel. 607-592-1540