New Peer-Reviewed Publication - DSRP Theory: A Primer

March 2, 2022 — Drs. Derek and Laura Cabrera, of Cabrera Research Lab and Cornell University have published a new peer-reviewed article entitled, DSRP Theory: A Primer in the journal Systems.
The abstract of the paper reads:
DSRP Theory is now over 25 years old with more empirical evidence supporting it than any other systems thinking framework. Yet, it is often misunderstood and described in ways that are inaccurate. DSRP Theory describes four patterns and their underlying elements—identity (i) and other (o) for Distinctions (D), part (p) and whole (w) for Systems (S), action (a) and reaction (r) for Relationships (R), and point (ρ) and view (v) for Perspectives (P)—that are universal in both cognitive complexity (mind) and material complexity (nature). DSRP Theory provides a basis for systems thinking or cognitive complexity as well as material complexity (systems science). This paper, as a relatively short primer on the theory, provides clarity to those wanting to understand DSRP and its implications.
The peer-reviewed paper can be found here:
Cabrera, D.; Cabrera, L. DSRP Theory: A Primer. Systems 2022, 10, 26. 10.3390/systems10020026
About Systems: Systems is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on systems theory in practice, including fields such as systems engineering management, systems based project planning in urban settings, health systems, environmental management and complex social systems, affiliated with the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).