New Publication - Warfighting: A Function of Combat Power

September 28, 2022 — Maj. Thomas R. Ryan Jr. of the United States Army has published a paper in the September-October 2022 edition of the Military Review. His publication utilizes DSRP to give readers a deeper understanding of the complexities of warfighting.
The introduction of the paper reads:
It is military dogma that the nature of war will never change, only how we perform its fatal rituals.1 The domains in which these acts manifest have remained defined and understood throughout history—land, sea, air—with a few added more recently—space and cyberspace.2 For the U.S. Army, understanding how to synchronize across domains is not a new pursuit. Over time, the phrasing transformed from dimensions to cross-domain, to what it is now multi-domain.3 As we begin to understand the multi-domain framework, research already presents how challenging it will be.
This peer reviewed paper can be found here:
- Ryan, T. (2022). Warfighting: A Function of Combat Power. Military Review.
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