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Because, Science

Mental models evolve because of the ST-DSRP Loop. That's systems thinking. That's human learning. That's science.

Untitled presentation (2)-1

All models are wrong but some are useful (Box).

Colombia 2020 ST-DSRP 45-90m-1

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong (Feynman). You must repeatedly test your mental models against reality. Approximation... Information... Iteration...

PADM 5449 Fall 2020 Class 1If you make reality fit to your mental model (like Trump has been doing with COVID), then you are doing confirmation bias. If you make your mental model fit to reality then you are doing science.

PADM 5449 Fall 2020 Class 1 (1)

Science is synonymous with truth. It is synonymous with what we currently know and don't know. Science is NOT the same as academia, universities, etc. A successful academic is not the same thing as a good scientist.


When the science changes, Science isn't "changing its mind," it's getting incrementally better. Incrementally righter.

I6xjr9UFQZqfwr8opr9Q_The-History-of-the-Atom-–-Theories-and-ModelsWhen people say there's more than science. Science isn't the only thing that is important. Replace that word science with "facts," "truth," or "what we know and don't know to be true." Here, try it

There's more than what we know and don't know to be true.

What we know and don't know to be true isn't the only thing that is important.

The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking (Einstein). What he meant is that science is something that we do everyday because it is good for all humans (not just scientists) to do science. This is because it is good for our health to be righter than it is to be wronger.

Le_MoustierCome out of the Dark Ages. Be a scientist in your thinking. Test your mental models against reality. If they fail, evolve them. 

Please. For the sake of humanity.